Released 29 June 2021
Released 29 June 2021
Support for latest Dropbox changes
Malichimp no longer requires MailChimp.php
PHP 8 support
Various bug fixes and tweaks
Support for latest Dropbox changes
Malichimp no longer requires MailChimp.php
PHP 8 support
Various bug fixes and tweaks
Support for latest PHP versions
Updated Dropbox support to use latest API. External dropbox-sdk folder no longer needed
Ability to log file downloads instead of using email notification
PHP7 compatibility
Can send emails using Sendgrid for great deliverability
Various bug fixes and tweaks
Dropbox support added.
Amazon S3 V4 signatures supported. V4 is required for buckets in some new regions such as Frankfurt
Various bug fixes and tweaks
Added PDF watermarking feature
IP Country added to download notification
Updated S3 support to work better with non US buckets
Mailchimp support added
Updated S3 support so that it can automatically set content type.
Now you just have to upload files to S3 without messing with headers.
Various tweaks and bug fixes.
Added option to receive download notification email every time a download link is clicked
PHP5.4 support
Bug fixes
Added Sitelok integration
Added AWeber support
Added support for PearMail and SSL accounts in PHPmailer
Better support for PHP5.3
File size can be displayed in the thankyou page using linklokcbsize('product.zip');
PHP can now be used inside a download background page
Supports Amazon S3
Supports sending out unlock codes and other data from a list
$CopyEmail setting added so you can get a copy of emails sent to clients
Custom data can be sent to email template from download page.
Various bug fixes
Support for AcroLok PDF encryption system
Can automatically email links to the client
New email template variables allow links to any files to be used.
Various bug fixes and enhancements
Supports both old and new style Clickbank buy links
Allows data to be sent through to the thankyou page from the buy link
Built in buy link cloaking feature
Ability to display page in the browser while downloading (from emailed link)
Updated to handle the new Clickbank checkout process
Added support for unlimited products on one Clickbank account
Option to collect email address and email links