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Vibracart Pro - Popup mode demo

This example page shows how Vibracart Pro works with the widget and popup cart. The widget shows the current total and number of items in the cart. The popup cart will appear either when you click an add to cart button or if you click 'view' in the widget.

Tax has been setup in this demo for EU sales (VAT).

You can apply a 10% discount using the coupon code 10OFF

Vibracart Pro supports checkout via Paypal and / or Stripe. However for ease of testing we have used Stripe test mode so you can checkout with the following details

Card number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
Expiry date: any future date
CVV: 123

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Great Expectations ebook

The classic Charles Dickens novel for download in PDF format.
This product has multiple images which are displayed in the image grid above (V2.1+).

Summer Fun MP3 track

Summer Fun by Ahjay Stelino (thanks to

A Christmas Carol (example with options)

Order this classic as a download (PDF or ePub) or as a shipped paperback.
If you try the paperback option you will see that the option price is higher and shipping gets added to the cart and an address requested on checkout. Two example shipping options have been setup.
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