July 2023
Sitelok V6.6 released
25 07 23 09:46
Sitelok V6.6 has been released with a number of new features, bug fixes and tweaks.
Visit the Sitelok version history page
Visit the Sitelok page.
- Added quick filter to show users whose usergroup expired X or more days ago (1 being yesterday).
- Added quick filter to show users who are enabled/disabled.
- Form boxes can be left, center or right aligned in the object the form is added to.
- Form buttons can be left, center or right aligned.
- Forgotten password link on login forms and default login template can be aligned right of button if fitting, left, center, or right.
- Signup link on login forms can be aligned left, center, or right.
- Default login form background image can now be horizontally and vertically aligned.
- Added server info to bottom of Installation Paths tab of configuration.
- Many tweaks and bug fixes.
Visit the Sitelok version history page
Visit the Sitelok page.